
While the Niles Depot Museum contains numerous historical artifacts and exhibits, the Tri City Society of Model Engineers (TCSME) is responsible for the construction, maintenance and running of our model train layouts. We are seeking new members to help construct our HO and N scale layouts. You are invited to become a member of the Tri-City Society of Model Engineers and help with all aspects of modeling the area railroads. Experienced modelers as well as enthusiastic newcomers with an eagerness to learn are encouraged to help with the new layouts. If you have an interest in layout planning, bench work, wiring, track laying, scenery, or railroad operations, we welcome your participation as a member of the TCSME.

The layouts are based in Niles and the surrounding communities of the Bay Area. Attention is being given to accuracy and detail in both the track plans and surrounding scenery. The modeling era is the mid-1970s, but all industries and towns are being represented as they were in their prime.

The HO scale layout features the Southern Pacific mainline from Niles to San Jose with the many industries in Niles, Newark, Union City and other intermediate communities, as well as both Southern Pacific and Western Pacific lines through Niles Canyon to Pleasanton and Livermore. San Jose Cahill St. Station is featured as the model railroad’s large passenger terminal. A section will also feature the BART line through Fremont. 

The N scale layout features the SP and WP mainlines from Niles to Oakland with intermediate communities such as Decoto, Alvarado and Hayward. 

Sound interesting? Dues are only $20.00 per month. Membership information and application are available at the museum or by printing and completing the form below. Mail the completed application to TCSME care of:

Niles Depot Historical Foundation
P.O. Box 2716
Fremont, CA 94536-0716

Come join us! You'll love it!